Der wunderbar humorvolle Rob Hopkins erzählt (auf gut verständlichem Englisch) davon, auf welchen Ideen die von ihm gegründete, sich weltweit verbreitende “Transition”-Bewegung beruht.

Einfach. Jetzt. Machen! Wie wir unsere Zukunft selbst in die Hand nehmen
Mitschnitt der Buchvorstellung vom 2. Juli 2014 Wir befinden uns im Jahre 2014 n. Chr. Der ganze Erdball steht der Verknappung unserer Ressourcen und dem Kli…
Eine Handvoll Zitate:
- […] all the carbon we know in the world four fifth of it has to stay in the ground. And that‘s an enormous challenge. Firstly because we use quite a lot of it at the moment and secondly because our financial institutions – our banks, our pension companies – are based on the assumption that all of this ist going to get burned, what we call the carbon bubble. (ab Minute 6:00)
- [Economic growth] I have children, I‘m a father, I have sons. If my children just grew and grew and grew and carried on growing, I would be absolutely terrified and I would think that something had gone deeply wrong with nature. Actually what we want our children to do is to get to around this kind of level and then to grow on other ways. To become kinder, to become wiser, to become more skilled. But within economy we only judge success on the fact that it is larger than last year – which is absolutley redicilous on a finite planet. (ab Minute 7:50)
- One of the problems that we have is that – as a culture, as a zivilisation – we are fantastic in imagening our own demise. We make great films about it whether we wiped out by aliens or huge gorillas or deseases or people from space… We‘re fantastic at that, but we are not very good at telling a story about what happen when we see a problem coming and we engaged with it and we dealed with it. And those are the stories that we really really need. That‘s what transition tries to do. (ab Minute 11:25)
- Transition ist something which takes the position of not being against things. It doesn‘t start out with a big long list of things that it is against and you have to agree with all of these things othervise you can‘t get involved. (ab Minute 22:15)
- You never know where the tipping points are. You never know. You never know – when you started doing something – who will see it, who will be there, who will do something, you never know, whether it happens […] And we said are we allowed to do this? And they said: No idea – do it and see what happens. (ab Minute 38:15)